Jan 1, 2008

About Tripura Mondoli Bangalore (TMB)

Tripura Mondoli Bangalore (TMB) is a socio-cultural group based in Bangalore, ‘Mondoli’ in Bengali means group. As the name suggests, a common factor binding members in the group is the fact that most of us are originally from Tripura (a hilly state in the north-eastern part of India) and are now settled in Bangalore because of professional or personal reason, however all likeminded people are welcomed to join in. 

What do we do ?
The group provides a platform for us to participate in different socio-cultural activities and a breathing space outside the rat race of today’s professional and urban life. We get together regularly to organize different festivals, cultural functions, sports or just to muse nostalgically on our good old school/college days over cup of tea. 

“….. when the whole group is together, each bringing out all that is best, wisest, or funniest in all the others. Those are the golden sessions…when the whole world, and something beyond the world, opens itself to our minds as we talk…… life has no better gift to give.” – C.S Lewis, Novelist

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